• Welcome to the APE Lab!

    Ayers Psychology & Evolution Lab
  • About the APE Lab

    We study the behavioral manifestations of genetic conflict - or how the genes we inherit from our parents “fight” with each other and the impact that this conflict has on behavior and psychological processes. You can learn more about some of the nuances in genetic conflict here. Specifically, we are interested in how understanding how these “disagreements” at the genetic level influence the ways individuals grow, develop, behave, and, ultimately, influence their social relationships during their lives including maternal-fetal relationships, familial and affinal (in-law) relationships, and friendships and rivalries.

  • Dr. Jessica D. Ayers

    Director and PI

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    Dr. Jessica D. Ayers is an Evolutionary Social Psychologist and the director of the APE Lab at Boise State University. As an undergraduate, Dr. Ayers realized that she was interested in one simple question: why do people act the way they do? Her interest in this question led Dr. Ayers to earn her bachelor’s degrees in Psychology and Anthropology and her M.A. in Experimental Psychology from California State University, Fullerton, and her Ph.D. in Social Psychology from Arizona State University.


    Find out more about Dr. Ayers at www.jessicadayers.org or @JessicaDAyers

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    APE Lab members Spring 2024

    Left to right: Mary (Grace) Duskey, Erin Pooley, Madelyn Cardwell, Izzy O'Farrill, Dr. Ayers

  • Student Resources

    Here are some resources for students interested in the lab.

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    APA formatting cheat sheet (7th edition)

    Please refer to this cheat sheet to learn the basics of AP style.

  • Join the APE Lab!

    If you are interested in joining the APE Lab as a research assistant, please reach out to Dr. Ayers directly with any questions. You can also read more about the APE Lab culture and values in the APE Lab manual.


    If you are ready to apply, please download the application below and send it to Dr. Ayers directly.

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    Lab manual

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